When Social Media Becomes a Tool of Social Oppression, is Big Tech Accountable?
The tech industry survives on innovation. However, big tech is becoming growingly monopolistic, and some of the biggest names in the tech space have even been accused of suppressing up-and-coming innovations that would shift the status quo. And to figure out why tech companies that got rich by offering people new freedoms would be incentivized to stifle them, all you need to do is follow the money. -
In the Pandemic Economy, Doing Well Means Doing Good
The new normal is chaotic. Between COVID-19, the world’s growing support for Black Lives Matter, the rippling impacts of the Me Too Movement, an... -
Saving Bees With Robots
Bees are the world’s most important pollinators. They play a crucial role in the sustainability of our food systems, not to mention earth’s delicate natural ecosystems. We literally can’t live without them. Over the past few years, however, we’ve seen a staggering decline in bee populations. Hives have been collapsing at a rate that is creating a very real fear that the natural and agricultural systems that we depend upon may collapse along with our beloved bees.
How Decent Tech Protects Your Digital Identity
How important is your identity? As humans, our identity is more than any single aspect of ourselves. Our identity is comprised of our experienc... -
Cleaning Up with Tech-Assisted Bioremediation
Great technological innovations are all about disruption. Today’s decentralized technology can boost the availability and reliability of kn... -
Decent Tech Supports National Security Without Blood or Bullets
Nineteen years ago today, extremists carried out a horrific act of terror. The attack on the World Trade Center buildings marked both a definin... -
Decent Tech and Activism 2.0
Solving our most urgent environmental problems with Activism 2.0 - decent tech in the hands of decent people will change the world, learn how. -
Blockchain Technology and Our Trustless Society
Once upon a time, Americans relied on the social and economic institutions charged with protecting our money and freedom to actually to keep our money safe and protect us from oppression. Then, there was the 2000 presidential election, the Great Recession of 2008, and the 2016 presidential election — all of which... -
The Growing Blockchain Gaming Job Market
Millennials are the largest generation active in the workforce, with about 56 million young people either working or looking for a job in 2017. ...